Pastel Tasarım San.Tic.Ltd was established in 2000 as Pastel Seramik and continues its activities with its new design-oriented name since 2006.
Design is the appearance of all or part of a product consisting of various elements and features reflecting human senses such as line, shape, color, shape, texture, flexibility or ornamentation of material. Pastel design has a respectable place in ceramic, tile, porcelain, glass and architectural sector thanks to the variety of sectors it addresses and the ability to apply them in decor, product and space designs. In addition, it serves in the promotion and gift sector and is innovative and customer-oriented at every stage.
In its designs, it aims to protect our traditional decorative arts and modernize them in accordance with the desired concepts, while presenting its products with its unique interpretation and technique with different expression while advancing on a path extending from local to universal and from past to future. In other words, by interpreting our traditional handicrafts in a way, it aims to bring many places from the house we live to the work place to our national values which are important.
Our activity areas can be grouped under four main headings:
Pastel Design: Our experienced and expert staff, modern production technology allows us to provide the highest quality service to our customers. In our design department, which is one of our main production areas, corporate identity works for agencies, printing houses, broadcasting institutions and companies include emblems, logos, posters, patterns and so on. studies are being done.
Porcelain, ceramic, glass, enamel, vitrified, enamel and ceramic border and surface coating products on our own original designs and our customers want to make the designs and the desired forms of our task is to model. In addition, interior and exterior design and restoration work and designs are made.
Pastel Serigraphy: In our Serigraphy Department, we make decorations designed for porcelain, ceramics, glass, enamel, as watery decals; In addition, vitrified, and third firing ceramic curb and surface coating products on our own original designs and designs our customers want inlaid (inglaze), overglaze (onglaze) techniques that we create the stickers. In addition, gold, platinum, metallic prints, stickers for agencies, printing houses and companies, metal and textile label prints and patterns and logo prints for textile products are made.
Pastel Ceramics: Ceramics production, especially ceramic plates, cups, ashtrays, watches, kaemlik, nihale, magnet, blanket, door numbers, indoor and outdoor handmade ceramic panels, historical space restoration works are made in accordance with customer demands. Our curb production, which has an important place in ceramic floor and wall coverings; Traditional Ottoman art with classical patterned tile tile works, mosque, mihrab, mimber, fountain, swimming pool, fountain, fireplace and indoor and outdoor decorations.
For official institutions, school corners, Atatürk corners and pediment inscriptions are also made.
By combining tile art, which is one of the traditional Turkish arts, with ceramics, it is used in interior and exterior decorations of many buildings with historical and artistic value such as mosques, kiosks, palaces, fountains and tombs. The presence of buildings decorated with cultural motifs comes to life with Pastel design.
Pastel Decoration: In our Decoration Department, the application of hand decor designs made for porcelain, ceramics, glass and tile products is done in the screen printing department by decorating the printed emblems and logos, and preparing and cooking personalized panels and designs.
Pastel design is based on the importance it places on people and art. Unconditional customer satisfaction, the importance given to the environment and human health and renewed image offers many options in one place. It is at the service of its customers with its products which are developed by following the changing and developing trends closely, correct marketing strategies, successful works and stable and after sales services that guarantee customer satisfaction.
Our Vision
To be one of the strong dynamics of our country with a world class attitude in the tough competition conditions of the global economy while guiding the change with a holistic understanding and active attitude ...
Our Mission
To add value to our environment and society continuously by evaluating our regional advantages ...
R & D activities by keeping the projection, "Total Quality Standards" without compromising, the latest opportunities of technology, and to use in a competitive manner ...
To pioneer change, to design our company structure ...
To provide the highest added value for our environmentally sensitive customers and business partners who are committed to corporate principles, agree on common goals, fulfill their promises regardless of conditions ...